Nutra Allied®

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Chicken Spread

Chicken Spread

High Calorie Content: This will be comprised of calorie-dense ingredients, such as hazelnuts and chocolate, so the spread s naturally high in calories. Each 2 tbsp. serving of spread provides 200 calories, which is 10 present of the daily suggested intake of 2,000 calories. However, because this is rich in calories, it can be a good food choice if you wish to gain weight in an efficient fashion. If you exercise frequently or have high caloric needs, spread can help you maintain your weight without eating a large volume of food.

Fat Content: Spread is high in calories partly due to its fat content. Each 2 tbsp. serving provides 11 g of fat, with just 3.5 g of saturated fat. As the Mayo Clinic explains, unsaturated fats are preferable to saturated fats, which may increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. Unsaturated fats provide several possible benefits, including promoting healthy cholesterol levels and managing type diabetes.

Calcium Content: One nutritional benefit of spread is that each 2 tbsp. serving of the spread provides 4 present of the daily recommended intake of calcium. As the Linus Pauling Institute explains, calcium is your body's most common mineral, and maintaining proper calcium levels is essential for optimal body function. Calcium is a vital structural component of your teeth and bones, so consuming calcium-rich foods can promote both bone density and dental integrity.

Iron Content: Each 2 tbsp. serving of spread provides 4 percent of the daily suggested intake of iron. Adequate iron intake is required for proper health, as iron is involved in delivering oxygen to all of your body's cells. In addition, iron is required for the production of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which your cells use for energy. Because of this role, adequate iron intake is important for supporting athletic performance.





Nutra Allied (Pvt) Ltd Oil, Spread & Drinks portfolio includes market leading brands across the Oil, Juice and Spread products.